London still promising capital gains

Released on: September 29, 2007, 2:10 am

Press Release Author: Jim watson

Industry: Real Estate

Press Release Summary: For years London has seemed like the best and worst of the
property market. On the one hand, it has been at the centre of the biggest bang in
the loud boom of the UK housing market, with London property prices.

Press Release Body: For years London has seemed like the best and worst of the
property market. On the one hand, it has been at the centre of the biggest bang in
the loud boom of the UK housing market, with >London property prices comfortably
outstripping the national average and soaring astronomically in the central areas,
driven by high city bonuses and super rich buyers from overseas looking to buy
homes, including individuals such as Roman Abramovic and Lakshmi Mittal, who bought
a home in London for a then world record 70 million in 2004.

In contrast, the high prices, driving even the average house over the inheritance
tax threshold, have brought complaints that the residential market is driving out
families and pricing more and more people out of the city. It has also raised the
question of whether buy-to-let investments are available at a good price.

For this reason, a Daily Telegraph property feature last week suggested buy-to-let
investors would be best off looking in other parts of the country. Having stated
that buy-to-let in the regions offered good returns without large investments, it
noted the comments of Peter Holden of Assetz, who noted the potential of a number of
locations, including>Liverpool Property with its \"fantastic\" regenaration, Ipswich -
where the arrival of the university is an advantage, Swansea with its waterfront
and, surprisingly as it may seem to some, south coast locations like Hastings,
Littlehampton and Bognor, where Mr Holden advised, properties were certainly not too

With so many locations enjoying renewal, attractive cityscapes, university
accommodation and good prices for investors, one might conclude that London can be
written out of the script altogether.

Not so, according to the chief executive officer of London Central Portfolio, Naomi
Heaton. There is one factor that will lead to many new opportunities for investors
in the capital - the Olympic Games.

She said: \"There will be an awful lot of new builds around the Olympic stadium and
the Olympic village and the long term Government plan for the Olympic village is for
it to become affordable housing for key workers.\"

Not that it is only the east of the capital around the Games Park in Stratford that
will benefit, Ms Heaton added, noting that some 2012 events, such as the beach
volleyball and the triathlon, will take place in central London, which, along with
the general increase in tourism to its existing attractions, will boost the heart of
the city as well, these benefits including a \"face lift\" of the area and the
addition of new transport infrastructure such as crossrail.

However, Ms Heaton notes, there is \"almost no new housing stock\" in this part of
London, with the scarcity bound to increase if demand rises still higher as a result
of the games. The situation for the east end, however, will be very different, she
said, noting that \"near the Olympic stadium there may be maybe ten thousand units
there. So you\'ve got an area where there\'s going to be a massive stock availability
whereas in central London it\'s going to become an even more scarce resource.\"

With such availability and prices lower than other parts of London, this could offer
the capital bargain investors are looking for.

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